My ears perk up when I hear someone speak of coincidences. I used to believe in them. That was until some things proved ridiculously impossible to be characterized as such.
Coincidence is defined as a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time, apparently by mere chance.
Maybe you have witnessed ridiculously impossible things happen right before our eyes. Near-death experiences are common encounters to cause us to question if our guardian angel intervened on our behalf.
The story I am about to share with you is about how God commands His angels to stand guard over us.
As I took my place in line at the traffic court hearings office, I made eye contact with the very handsomely rugged and tall man standing in front of me. The instant mutual attraction surprised me since I was not in a place to welcome a man in my life. Someone in line behind me asked me a question and the three of us were soon in conversation.
At this time in my life, I had recently recommitted my life to Christ. With all I was experiencing in my Christian walk, I could not stop talking about Jesus and what He was doing. I looked at my new friend very as-a-matter-of-factly, “There has got to be a bigger reason for Jesus to have me here, I just know it!”
I welcomed his attention and the blushing of my cheeks. In our small talk, I kept going back to mentioning the Lord. He seemed rather ashamed when I asked him if he attended church. He told me he had not stepped foot in a church in over twenty-five years.
“Well, you don’t have to go to church to have a relationship with Jesus.”
After checking in at the clerk’s window, I took a seat in the courtroom. A few minutes later, my new friend sat down next to me.
So, this is what it’s like meeting someone on Jesus’ terms.
I finished up my business before he did, so I decided to wait in the lobby area. There were close to thirty people filling every chair. I stood across from the seating area and checked my phone messages while I waited for my friend to come out.
That is when a faint, shaky voice called out to me from across the way.
“Excuse me, Miss?”
I looked up to see a frail, elderly woman waving at me with her cane.
“Excuse me, but can you come help me?”
She wore a grey and black tweed skirt with a matching tailored jacket. Her delicate black hat with netting meticulously veiled over her forehead, pronouncing her dark complexion. Nodding at the petite well-dressed woman, I walked toward her. Why in the world didn’t she ask the person sitting next to her? Why call out across a twenty-foot distance to ask me specifically? I’m going to miss my date.
She offered her left arm while supporting her right side with her cane and proceeded to explain why she needed help to the ladies room. As we walked slowly down the long corridor, she shared praises of how Jesus had healed her kidneys and her heart and had even given her a new hip. She lit up as she shared Jesus with me and continued to share praises through the bathroom stall door. This continued all the way back to the lobby. She never stopped praising Jesus. Funny, I had done the same thing earlier with my friend. As I helped her back to her seat, she thanked me and blessed me in the name of Jesus.
My heart sunk when I discovered my friend in the courtroom had finished his business and left. “So, what was that all about, God? I finally feel safe enough to welcome a man into my life and he disappears?”
After a few minutes of stillness in my car, my heart calmed as I heard, “He would have done you harm.” I cried tears of gratitude. This was not the first time God had rescued me.
“For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.” Psalm 91:11
I knew there was a bigger reason for Jesus to have me there.